Friday, March 15, 2024

The last cold winters I recall...

I have these lines that I won't cross. But then something happens, and I find myself on the other side of them. And turns out ... nothing bad happens. So then suddenly I possess the very dangerous information that I can break rules and the world won't instantly come to an end. I've taken a big, black, bold line and I've made it a little bit grey. And now every time I cross it again, it just gets greyer and greyer until one day I look around and I think, there was a line here once, I think.

Because like the depths of the ocean his path forward won't be easy. But he wasn't brought here for easy. He is here for so much more. Because he wants to push boundaries. To seek truth. He is temptation and seduction and heat. He is a mirror and a sorcerer and inside him swirls the power of the ancients. But in the space of that truth - he must also know this. He also deserves the deepest ease. Someone who will give him grace and know him deeply. Someone who won't ask him to translate himself or diminish himself or quiet his storm or tone down his extravagant love. Someone like you.