Did I actually make it? Did I actually succeed? When I was mapping out the outcome of this month, I would have never imagined that I would have been capable of pulling it off. But now it seems, as I stand at its pinnacle, I find that not only am I where I wanted to be, I am somewhere further. I couldn't have predicted the fallout and challenges facing me, but I am proud of how I handled myself. How I carried on. How I held my tongue. How I made them think that I'd forgotten. I am proud how despite everything, I managed to stay true to who I am. How I was gentle when I could have been forceful. How I loved, when I could have hated. How I smiled when I could have cried.

But now is not the time to rest or allow myself a break. Now is the time to push even further. To build upon the momentum of my choices and propel myself one step closer to the stars. Now is the time to keep trusting my instincts and continue down the rabbit hole towards the dream of dreams. I will continue to be gentle and kind, to be forceful and tactful, to not allow my demons to take hold and steer me in wrong directions. But above all I shall not falter and learn every step of the way. I shall hold my mistakes close to my heart, never forgetting how it felt when I lost it all, and the struggle one has to endure, to get it back.