I believe fully that if you want to do something, you just go do it. You can sit around, think about it, waiting until things are perfect, wringing your hands, dithering and hesitating and slowly twisting your panties into a perfect little fisherman's knot. Or you can do proper research, think it through and then do fucking something. What's the worst that can happen?

Real risk isn't always grandiose. The act of swallowing bravery is often so minuscule, it goes completely unrecognized by the outside world. In due time our psyches and souls are primed to adapt, integrate, and digest even the rustiest, clankiest, most bitterly jarring parts of life; to become more comfortable with the uncomfortable so much so that it becomes life force. Microdoses help us build the fortitude to absorb, integrate, expand, contribute, and construct the new matrix of presence and inner-beingness. The cumulative effect of such actions cannot be overstated. Consistent small acts of bravery have powerful, palpable effects. Vitality emerges through the nourishment of real droplets of risk, sustained over time; not impulsive grand gestures and binges disguised as noble and big.