Thursday, April 30, 2009

Into asylum...

When there's a storm outside, the best thing any of us can do is hide...

Just wait until the storm blows over. I mean it has to subside eventually doesn't it? But yet what if it doesn't? Are we just supposed to be trapped? With no where to go? Or do we go outside anyway and go one on one against the mighty tempest?

Ahh this thing that is not a blog, raises far to many questions doesn't it? Hmm...
Endless circle... Story of my life...

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

The mesiah...

There are nearly 7 bilion people on this planet. Each one unique, different. What are the chances of that and why? Is it simply biology that determines this diversity, a collection of thoughts memories, experiences, that carve out our own special place, or is it something more that this?

Perhaps there is a master plan that drives the randomness of creation. Something unknowable that dwells in our souls and presents each one of us with a unique set of challenges that would help us discover who we really are...

We are all connected, joint together by an invisible thread infinate in this potential and fragile in its design. Yet while connected we are also merely individuals, empty vessels to be filled with countless possibilities, an assortment of thoughts, beliefs, a collection of disjointed memories and experiences...

Can I be me, without these? Can you be you? And if this invisible thread that holds us together would sever, what then? What would become of bilions of lone disconnected souls? And there in lies the great quest of our lives. To find, to connect, to hold on...

For when our hearts are pure and our thoughts in line we are all truly one, capable of repairing our fragile world and creating a universe of infinate possibilities...

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Sweet surrender...

Defeat is not an option, not for me, I don't back away until the last breath is long gone. Challenges get me out of bed in the morning...

I'm not easily intimidated. I don't flinch. I don't back down and I certainly don't surrender. I have to believe that defeat is not an option, that no matter how screwed up my life gets, there's hope for me...

But even when my hopes give way to reality, and I finally have to give in to the truth, it just means I lost today's battle, not tomorrows war...

Here's the thing about surrender, once you do it, actually give in, you forget why you were even fighting in the first place...

Friday, April 24, 2009

My finger is on the button...

No one knows what it's like, to be hated...

But my dreams aren't as empty
as my conscience seems to be...

My love is vengence that's never free...

No one knows what it's like,
to be mistreated, to be defeated...

Thursday, April 23, 2009

It wasn't meant to happen, so lets cry tonight...

There is a prayer intended to give strength to people faced with circumstances they don’t want to accept. The power of the prayer comes from its insight into human nature...

Because so many of us rage against the hand that life has dealt us. Because so many of us are cowardly. And afraid to stand up for what is right. Because so many of us give into despair, when faced with an impossible choice...

The good news for those who utter these words, is that God will hear you and answer your prayer. The bad news is that sometimes the answer is no...

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

The self destruct button...

Life is meaningless, it is in death that we are truly tested.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Dream a little dream of me...

The funny thing about dreams is that as long as they're in your head there's always that slight possibility of them coming true. Countless scenarios, endless chances, glorious visions...

But the moment you start living up to the dream, start working towards achieving the dream, you risk crashing and burning... Then it's no longer in your mind, failure is once again possible, you usually get only one chance, and the vision of what previously seemed so great slowly fades away...

Some are lucky enough to reach their dream, get their hearts desire, others are stopped by fear. Fear of letting go, fear of sacrifice, fear of greatness. So the question remains: if you had the chance to seize everything you ever wanted, would you grab it or let it slip?

We only get one shot, so the moment you own it you should never let it go... We only get one shot...

Friday, April 17, 2009

Didn't we almost have it all...

Numbers are funny. They can measure you, time you, analyse you all they want. But what we all know is the only thing that matters is how you play the game. They think I'm down, because of my recent preformance. They're starting to underestimate me again. They think I've lost my grip... but I haven't...

Ever hear the expression you can't measure heart? Well the truth is they can't measure any of it, heart, want, need... They think I'm out of the game, so they started to trivialise me... that's a mistake...

They think I can't make it, but She always knew I could. You can't measure a dream...

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Teach me tonight how to live forever...

Just set your watch to January. Put your past behind you and start over. It's hard to resist the chance of a new beginning, a chance to put all of our problems to bed...

But who gets to determine when the old ends and the new begins? It's not a day on the calendar. Not a birthday, not a new year. It's an event, big or small, something that changes us. Ideally it gives us hope. A new way of living and looking at the world. Letting go old habits, old memories...

But what I think is most important is that we never stop believing that we can have a new beginning, and that amid all the crap are a few things worth holding on...

Sunday, April 12, 2009

The truth shall set me free...

I've fallen far before and every time I clawed my way back... But what happens when you no longer want to claw, but at the same time the thing you want is out of reach...

I'm stuck... I'm stuck together, I'm torn apart...

Friday, April 10, 2009

Stuck in reverse...

They say that our faith is tested all the time, and that those who pass the test of faith, get everything their heart desires... The tenth of april is my dark day... It is the day I shall forever remember as the day my world was turned upside down, when I lost someone who taught me how to dream, who taught me how to live..

Yet it is on this very day that I endured my test of faith, I struggled through my illness, my insecurities and I finished what I started. And what have I gained at the end of the day? Nothing, absolutely nothing... And now I ask you, I ask her... How can I have faith after a day like this? How can I get up tomorrow and think that it's still worth fighting for? How can I continue to be the person she raised me to be? I hope I get my answers soon, because this is turning out to be one hell of a test...

Živjenje moje kot zakleto se mi zdi,
karkoli da lepega vzame mi,
vedno vzame mi...

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

You can't lose something you never had...

Lights will guide me home...

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Can't take my eyes off you...

Many people don't know that the human eye has a blind spot in its field of vision. There's a part of the world that we are literally blind to. The problem is, sometimes our blind spots shield us from things that really shouldn't be ignored. Sometimes our blind spots keep our lives bright and shiny...

I live in a world of worst-case scenarios. We cut ourselves off from hoping for the best because too many times the best doesn't happen. But every now and then something extraordinary occurs and suddenly best-case scenarios seem possible. And every now and then something amazing happens. And against our better judgement, we start to have hope...

But inevitably there are times when you find yourself in the worst-case scenario and when the worst-case scenario comes true, clinging to hope is all we have left...

Monday, April 6, 2009

My echo, my shadow and me...

Would she hear me if I called her name?
Would she hold me if she knew my shame?
There's always something different going wrong.
The path I walk is in the wrong direction...
Can anybody help me make it better?
Your tears don't fall, they crash around me...

Sunday, April 5, 2009

All these things I hate...

Pain comes in all forms. The small tinge. A bit of soreness. The random pain. The normal pains we live with everyday. Then there’s the kind of pain you can’t ignore. A level of pain so great that it blocks out anything else. Makes the rest of the world fade away. Until all we can think about is how much we hurt. How we manage our pain is up to us. We anaesthetize, ride it out, embrace it, ignore it. And for some of us the best way to manage pain is to just push through it.

You just have to ride it out. Hope it goes away on its own. Hope that the wound that caused it heals. There are no solutions. No easy answers. You just breathe deep and wait for it to subside.

Most of the time pain can be managed. But sometimes the pain gets to you when you least expect it. You just have to fight through because the truth is you can’t out run it. And life always make more...

Thursday, April 2, 2009

My point of no return...

Did you ever hear the expression socially retarded? It's this thing where you are unable to interact with others in a normal way, where you say completely inappropriate things and where you can't help but fall into extremely akward situations. The really funny thing about social retards is that there's really not much they can do to get out of the loop hole that is their akwardness. I guess we can't really know the reasons why someone lets herself become like that but at the end of the day I'm certain most people want out, yet they're too afraid to let go, to afraid of what might happen, to afraid that history is repeating itself, to afraid that the world around them is starting to regress into that which we ran from in the first place... To afraid to let themselves be who they are, who the "society" does not allow them to be...

Hi, my name is Karr and I'm a social retard... This is where I am... This is where I chose to be...