Friday, April 12, 2019

Life will be the death of me...

I have decided to share some part of my story, of what led me here. A past, which changed my perception of the world. A past, which shaped my future into an unknown yet exciting opportunity to revisit lost thoughts and to break free from the limbo of my broken dreams. When the moment of my past struck me, in its highest demonised form, I felt dead, like walking in flesh without a soul, someone who had no reason to live - not anymore. I no longer saw any meaning in life, but then again, I saw no reason to die as well. I travelled to far away lands, running away from friends, family and everyone else and I confined myself to my thoughts, to my feelings and to myself. Hours, days, weeks and months passed and I waited for a moment of magic to happen, a turn of destiny. But nothing happened, nothing ever happened. I waited and I counted each moment, thinking about my life. I then saw how powerful yet weak, bright yet dark, beautiful yet ugly, joyous yet grievous; is one single moment. One moment makes the difference. Just one moment.