Monday, May 20, 2019

My watch has ended...

Disappointment will come when your effort does not give you the expected return. If things don’t go as planned or if you face failure. Failure is extremely difficult to handle, but those that do come out stronger. What did this failure teach me? is the question you will need to ask. You will feel miserable. You will want to quit, but that is how much failure can hurt you. Yes it's life. If challenges could always be overcome, they would cease to be a challenge. And remember - if you are failing at something, that means you are at your limit or potential. And that's where you want to be.

Disappointment's cousin is frustration, the second storm. It happens when things are stuck. Sometimes things take so long that you don't know if you chose the right goal. Frustration saps excitement, and turns your initial energy into something negative, making you a bitter person. What you need, is a realistic assessment of the time involved - seeking a certain enjoyment in the process rather than the end result - at least I was learning how to write or even something as simple as pleasurable distractions in your life - friends, food, travel can help you overcome it. Remember, nothing is to be taken seriously. Frustration is a sign that you took something way too seriously. Nothing is real after all.