Thursday, September 8, 2022

There are caravans he follows...

One day it will all make sense, it will all be revealed. Until then, I learn to live and accept my shadows, my Déjà vu's, my dreams, my intuition that takes me to places that my mind never conceived, my body only perceived and my soul gladly remembered. My heart gives me direction, hope and the passion to keep moving forward. But what do I do when it's frozen, broken or torn apart? Deep inside, I feed the entities that empower the fight between my internal demons and angels. I feed them with my thoughts and my emotions that I lower my shields to at times. Whether good or bad, this brings about a change and at times there isn't much I can do to protect myself. At times, I need to let things be and go along with it. I guess what I'm trying to convince myself of, is that I need to give it some more time, some more light, some more love. I'm not very far away.