Friday, August 2, 2024

I want to give it all I've got...

Maybe in a parallel universe my moment would be able to collide with the fabric of the future. I am quite certain that at least in one timeline it did. Maybe I shouldn't lose hope yet for this one. Maybe it will happen in a few days, or next week. Maybe it will happen when I am fifty. But just now I feel like the chance has missed, and the jet trails of the crisscrossing moments left an awkward vacuum in their wake. I can feel it in my bones, though I can't really understand which exact outcome flew by me, and when I tried to guess, I got it wrong.

Why did he think something good could happen to him? Why did he dream? Hope? And fantasise? He was so certain that was a world out there that embraced him. Fully and without question. Where he was used as a vessel for change. The kind that brings a cathartic shift and throws everything off balance just long enough for it to swing back stronger than before. As he let his deep breath calm him down, he open his eyes and saw himself standing infront of a mirror. It's hard to explain why, but he started to laugh. He laughed at his fierce naked self, frowning into the mirror. And he liked the man who was laughing.