Different people handle loss in different ways. Some flee towards family and friends and find safety and comfort in numbers. Others decide that the best way to deal with losing something or someone is to cut themselves off from the rest of the world and do some hardcore thinking...
Both ways seem to work, albeit being bipolar, their outcome is usually the same. The finish line is the same because both solitude and company go through the same stages of grief. The stages we all have to go through if we want to make it. Denial...
But what happens when we reach a roadblock at one stage and we aren't able to let go, to move on? Anger... We've all waged the war against life and its infinate unfairness. It's a war we do not fight with weapons, we fight it with rage...
When we finally lay down the white flag and realise that the war can never be won, we start to make compromises, we make deals, try to find shortcuts, we tell ourselves that even if we can't win the war alltogether we could perhaps win a battle, get a small part of what we desire. Bargaining...
Of course the thing about getting a small piece of something is that it's in no way what the whole thing would be like. A sheer battle is nothing, in the end it is pointless. Depression... So when it strikes us down, most of us find ease in selfpity, selfloathing. We give into our own pathetic nature...
Then lastly, when all is said and done a light points us to the truth. It's never going to happen. No matter how hard we try, no matter how much we sacrifice. It just wasn't meant to be. Acceptance...