Monday, August 20, 2012

Floating like a cannonball...

He had jumped off the edge, and then, at the very last moment, something reached out and caught him midair. It defied the laws of gravity, and he never thought something so powerful could even exist. It was the simplest of things, the smallest of gifts, the tiniest of gestures - a promise. One made by the heart and bound by the soul. One made between two people who somehow found each other in this crazy world. All it took was one look, one touch, one kiss, and suddenly the world made sense. Every choice, every mistake, felt as if it led to this profound unity, to this moment frozen in time. As the universe rifted us apart and drew blood we both knew would be spilled, we did not shed tears, instead we smiled because we knew, we were so sure that we'd never forget each other, and that we'd hold one another again. Perhaps not tomorrow, and perhaps not a hundred moons from now, but mark my words, our time will come.