Sunday, August 12, 2012

You're a falling star...

There are some stories that even catch me by surprise. It was as if everything led to that moment, and if I know the universe as good as I think I do, than that was probably the plan all along. It wasn't perfect, there were bumps in the road, things that went wrong, but now it is my story forever and I'm happy I got to experience it with someone like you. I cannot feel too sad after a week like this one, even though circumstances forced us to say goodbye, it was as it was always meant to be. I think I finally understand, I think I finally see the bigger picture of the journey I was placed upon. The mist has cleared and I am starting to get used to the warmth of the sunlight on my skin. It has been so long since I felt it, since I lived it, and now that it's here, nothing else really matters.

He stood there and waved farewell, holding back his tears with all his might. As the train set off, he felt a surge down his spine. Quiet, powerful. He exhaled unlike ever before, and then ... he smiled, for he knew that he was given everything he asked for and then some. It might not have come when he wanted it, or how he wanted it, but it did arrive. With full force it knocked everything to the ground and shoke the earth beneath his feet. Laying on his back he realised there was no more pain, no more regret, just the everlasting memory of that one single night.