Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Coming back as we are...

It gets harder, more complicated, and inherently more tragic as each day passes by. People come and go as shadows, barely leaving imprints on the world that nurtured them. Is he also just a shade? Simply something to be swept away and forgotten? Gone with the sunlight, forever torn between darkness and tranquillity, fighting off demons that should have been banished long ago, and wallowing in sorrows of seasons past. They never told him that dreamers cause the most damage, because they drift from place to place, from person to person until they find that something, that anything they think can make them whole. He knew it wouldn't be easy, yet he never imagined how hard it would truly be, and how many times he would have to start over, with nothing else but his smile, his tenacity and the sheer hope of maybe one day having it all.