Sunday, March 24, 2013

My wings are twisted steel...

I don't think of you a lot,
but when I do, I wonder, why?

Sometimes it's hard to distinguish between the person I was, and the reflection I see in the mirror today. The same pale green eyes glare back at me, yet it feels as if a lifetime has passed. I guess the more I'm changing, the more my true self comes to light, and harder it becomes to hide behind the lies I tell myself, and the lies I envenomed others with. While I know I have all kinds of time to reach my dreams, I am as anxious as ever, and as tormented as I ever remember being. This journey towards my greater self, one who can transcend beyond any limitations, is more staggering and rocky than I ever imagined. Though I am no longer waiting for a shock to bring me back to life, I'm still the boy who jumped, hoping he'll sprout wings mid-flight, and the boy who believes that even if he doesn't fly, he'll at least have one hell of a fall.