Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Overwhelmed and frankly scared as hell...

Še vedno ali že spet? 

As he awaits slumber, he realises that love is truly never love at all, and the world he was accustomed to is about to be shaken once more. You can put a bandage on a wound, but if you don't take proper measures to heal your affliction, it just gets bigger and bigger, evoking more pain that demands to be felt, until you find yourself bleeding out, not even being able to scream. We are goners for sure, yet he cannot bring himself to admit that this was how it was foretold, and that it comes as no surprise that the boy who unveils his heart to you day after day, is cursed in ways he can't quite grasp. But do not take this as wallowing or self-pity, he does not shed tears so neither should you. That's just how it goes and how it always will - the one sided love affair, too deep in, to climb out, and not nearly enough air to hold his breath through the storm.