Friday, March 18, 2016

Heart of steel...

I realised that it's not fair of me to be angry or disappointed in the people around me for not seeing the world as I do or understanding how I feel without me telling them. Nothing can be taken for granted, especially in our most sacred relationships. When you feel sad, you shouldn't feel ashamed to express it - in fear of seaming weak and pitiful. Friendship is supposed to transcend such things. It's supposed to bring peace where there is chaos, and serenity where there is confusion. But how does one react when such a bond no longer does any of that? When it brings sadness and pain and frustration? What happens then? Does life move on? A little lonelier, but more real? More attune with the journey we're on? With who we are in this instant in time? While there are no true answers, there is time, and as always, time enlightens even the darkest of days.