Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Looking for ways over water...

There are moments in our life, when we know, when there is not a shadow of a doubt that the path we are on is leading us closer to everything we ever wanted. It doesn't happen very often, especially amid all the chaos and blood of our daily grind. We are so quick to forget what we once craved for, and what we dreamt of every night before we went to sleep. It's easier to let go of the fantasy, and accept that our journey might not be as unique and magnificent as we had hoped. It's simpler to move on. But I am not here to give up. I'm not here to kneel down. And I'm certainly not here to surrender. I have lived through too much. I've seen too much and lost too much to just back down. The struggle is more real than ever, leaving me with no choice, but to throw myself even more fully at my destiny - hoping I somehow stay intact, and perhaps, against all odds, plummet towards the moon.