Thursday, December 1, 2016

I've worn out the world...

Countless times, I have imagined a rising through the rivers of this land, to the surface of a promised oasis, built on the foundations of past lives, of streams of consciousness to be found again, pulled into the air by new hands. The possibilities are endless, but most often I imagine being found by myself from another time - offering guidance and hope. Above me, the sky shimmers and undulates blue through transparent spring water, reminding me that despite the inferno raging in my heart, the world around me offers titbits of tranquillity. I use my hands to break the surface and pull my deluded soul into the air and into uncharted territory of the universe. The delicate bones of my arms and ribs absorb the voice of reckoning, shattering the knowledge of what is possible, and once again, I feel whole.