Sunday, July 29, 2018
Watching the birds flying free...
The most crucial truths are always rejected before they're accepted. It's one of our greatest human flaws: arrogance. We look up and dare to assume we know, when the universe is unknowable. We are strong, tempered like steel in the fire and by the blows of the hammer of life. Nothing will break us again, only make us stronger and more whole. Perfection is the pride of those who have not lived, who know not these things in their arrogance. They remain the same - raw and without form. The hammer never touches them, and they lie on the shelf, gathering dust, slowly tarnishing and fading and crumbling. the blows in the fire refine us into bright shining glory for the roles we play in life - until we are one with the anvil, becoming immune to life's little knocks, and smile at it.