Thursday, January 24, 2019

It seems forever stopped today...

I think I may have taken for granted certain things and it seems that I will soon get another lesson in defeat and disappointment. This time it feels peculiar though, mostly because I can't really pinpoint what exactly went wrong, and what I would have done differently if given the chance. Is that why my response is mostly rational? Yes, I feel the frustration of discontent, yet nowhere near what I used to when faced with similar circumstances. Maybe this is what it means to grow up - to realise that failure and adversity can't always be avoided. That even with the best intentions and the greatest of aspirations we are bound to stumble.

There are times when I’m confidently skipping along, thinking that I am impenetrable and infinite ... and then I trip over my own poorly-placed steps and fall face first into the thickets. But I think there's a sort of beauty in falling. Each time I collapse, I'm reminded that I'm still human, that I'm still learning, that there will always be more lessons, growth, and discovery up ahead. So, although I have times when I'm weak, when I'm critical of myself, or I lose hope, I wouldn't give them up for the world. I cherish them – because it's the risk of falling that makes life a grand adventure rather than just a guided tour.