Sunday, February 7, 2021

The first of many mysteries...

Weapon ready, he heads out into the dark. Frost slips down his chin. The bonus? I want to get rid of everything. My valley of secrets. Intact only by the sheer will of my persistence. "Rather death, than complacency", he thought. During the night, I could hear him so very clearly. Dad? Cradle me like you once did. The luxury of unconditional love. Is it unfair? Okay if it is. His asthma is coming back - now almost out of breath. Her laptop holds the last piece of information. Twenty pieces of information, to be exact. His choice is simple. A walnut falls on his head, as he continues to stumble through the damp forest. "Embark my love", he heard her whisper. Your initial instinct was right. Open yourself to possibility. Legend has it that is the only way forward. Quit now, and you'll always regret it. His glance was full of hope.