Friday, February 18, 2022

Circles around this town...

I wanted to get it all down on paper; a record of what happened, just in case something did happen to me and to try and convince myself that I was not living in a state of permanent delusion. But why should you accept this story as given? It’s just a story. My story. And like all stories, it isn't, in the pure sense of the word, true. It's just my version of the truth. Which means it is, and isn't true at all.

Understanding what it means to die, to sever oneself of the foolish hope for immortality, is what allows us the capability to appreciate simple pleasures and endure whatever hardships living a full life requires. Eternity is beautiful whereas time is unredeemable and problematic. Our faith, our hopes, and our love exist only in points of time. We discover eternity by avoiding the snares of prejudice and mental delusion, using the memory of whole civilizations to understand the past, and employing human consciousness to transcend fluctuations in time. Now we just need to accept it.