Friday, February 25, 2022

Something new begins to take...

You are wrong. You are profoundly and disturbingly wrong about a spectacularly large number of things. You accept facts that are not facts, values that are incompatible with each other, and a fair number of truly dumb ideas about how to change the world. If you ever really understood the extent of your wrongness, you would never trust another word you said.

Think of the end when you begin. Though it may not be all that certain, you are sure to get there. Bind yourself to persistence and tenacity, courage and vigor, wisdom and faith, and dare unrelentingly. Life is an adventurous journey and you cannot forever skip mistakes and when you make them, be sure to learn at least something valuable, whether it's about yourself or about he world around you. Have the courage to take different routes to your final destination. The meaning we have given our journey is fabricated on the notion that anything has meaning. But it seems we are slowly finding out, that very little does. Because what are we all chasing? To live, of course. To be unbound from the invisible ropes. Or to be happy in them, at least.