Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Circles around this town...

There is a fable in the forest, whispered by the branches, as they blow. A tale about the truth of leaving, things that no longer help you grow. For on the surface it looks simple, like you only need lace your boots, but there is nothing quite as painful as untangling your roots. And proof is found in tree stumps of the price some pay to flee, that they would cut their lives in half to cut the time before they're free. Yet from the little left behind, life has been known to grow again, for unless you take your roots a part of you will still remain.

I have belief in every scar and disgraceful word I have ever spoken or been told because it is still teaching me. I stood up for my own head and so did my heart, and we are coming to terms with ourselves. Shaking hands, saying ”let's make this work for we have places to go and people to see and we will need each other”. For at the end of the day it's about creating your own character and pushing yourself so far out of your own and everybody else's idea of who you are and what you're capable of, that you no longer believe in limits. It's about reaching beyond your so-called potential, because your potential is never where you or anyone else expects it to be, not even close. I guess what I'm try to say is that I could not have fought any harder. It's May and I have hope in who I am becoming.