Monday, February 10, 2025

Something's gone terribly wrong...

Some people say there are true things to be found, some people say all kinds of things can be proved. I don't believe them. The only thing for certain is how complicated it all is, like a string full of knots. It's all there but hard to find the beginning and impossible to fathom the end. The best you can do is admire the cat's cradle, and maybe knot it up a bit more. History should be a hammock for swinging and a game for playing. Claw it, chew it, rearrange it, and at bedtime, it's still a ball of string full of knots. Nobody should mind. 

That's the thing, isn't it, when you grow with time, you learn to value it. You safeguard your peace from anything that seems to pull it down, even if that means transient happiness. He learned long back that life is a series of lessons, some bitter and well, some very, very bitter, but all of them assimilate into something so serene, so beautiful actually when looked from a distance. Because each time you're broken, you're made once again, some from the pieces that lay scattered on the ground while some entirely new coming from all across the sky. True serenity lies in knowing that life has been kind, even at the battles that were thrown along the way, and eventually letting your heart know that the biggest war you'd ever face is within.