Sunday, July 5, 2009

There is no other way...

People who say they don't have any regrets in life are full of bull. Every single one of us wishes she could change something, even if just a tiny bit of ones past, if given the chance. The hard part, is indentifying those moments, moments that changed your life, moments that led you to where you are today. Those are the moments most of us look back to and think; what if I made a different choice? How would that impact my life?

I have a long list of regrets, but to be honest, I'm not so sure I would be willing to change anything. I mean if I did somehow manage to do that, go back in time and slap myself before something idiotic came out of my mouth, I wonder how that would effect the present. Would I still be me? Would you still be you?

At the end of the day, regret is a funny thing. It symbolizes the choices everyone wishes could be different. It stands for all those things we are ashamed of, it is all those things that made us who we are...