The hardest situation I think, is when you're trying to find love and yourself at the same time. It just doesn't seem to fit well. I guess it takes knowing who you are, to know who you want to spend your time with. Combine those two things with an unforgivable past, and you've got yourself one hell of a road ahead. Is it weird that I'm excited? Is it weird that I'm looking forward to the march? If there was any time to be optimistic, this was it. There are so many things I can aspire to, there are so many things I'll still do. Because in the end, the journey is the destination...
I miss reading about your story and how it's unfolding. I know I write this in vain, since you probably don't pay attention anymore, but still, some things need to be said, even if they fall on shallow ground. Perhaps one day, when we look back, all these words will hold some meaning. Maybe they'll even explain everything we never understood about each other. That's the beauty of it, that's the beauty of writing. It helps you revive lost memories and it helps you keep new ones. But most importantly, it gives you strength, it gives you hope, it gives you life...
Were you ever a part of someone's path, when their dream came true? Or when their dream died? If you were, did you ever think you were destined to be there? That you played a specific part, a role no one else could have performed. I'd like to believe I was. I'd like to think I've helped a few lost souls find their way. But the thing about people, is that we never tell each other, how much we appreciate one another. We never seem to thank the people who changed our lives. If only we had infinity...