Sunday, May 15, 2011

Rolling in the deep...

And so it begins. The part in the play when everything I feared is coming true, and everything I hoped for isn't. I've always thought of myself as a strong person, one who can endure the hardships life throws at him. I took pride in my ability to prosper and overcome. But now as I look forward to what lies ahead, I'm not so confident anymore. So I gaze inward in order to solve the mystery of my sudden discontent. I stumble upon a secret I thought was long forgotten. It seems it was laying dormant, quietly spreading throughout my soul. It screams to be released, it's growing reckless and I'm slowly losing control. But even as I fight it, I know this is a battle that cannot be won, a battle I don't want to win. So as I prepare to surrender, one thought beckons the mind; am I strong enough to survive?

Sometimes when we make choices, we don't really realise how big of an impact they can have on our future. How everything would be different if we didn't walk through that door, if she didn't wave, if we had the strength to jump. So when I look back and wonder what made me this way, unable to go through a single day, without sabotaging every chance I get to be happy, I somehow always end up at the exact same moment. As it creeps from the very clutches of my heart, an overwhelming sense of sorrow rushes over me. And once again I feel numb to the world.

It seems like I'm being dragged through life, all the while struggling to slow down. Wishing for a new beginning, for another chance. The screwed up part is that somewhere deep down inside, I actually believe I still might get it. It's slipping away, and there's nothing I can do to stop it. It's being torn apart by the clutches of the outside world, forcing me to grow up, forcing me to stop dreaming, and start living. I wonder, who am I without my dreams?