Sunday, October 21, 2012

Our heart beats for our favorite song...

I can't even grasp how fast my life is changing again, how quickly time is passing by and transforming the circumstances of my being. It's hard to accept the loses, yet they somehow make the small victories so much more extatic. I'd like to be able to tell you that I'm more certain than ever in my resolve, but the truth is that I can't really pin point where I'm heading. It's as if I've been blindfolded and shoved upon a rocky road, spiralling down a path which may very well lead me to my dreams - whatever they might be.

They held hands as they walked towards the ocean, and they held hands as their feet touched the warm stones beside the shore, and they held hands as they approached the pier, and they held hands as they jumped. In midfall they wondered if they'll survive what's to come, and if they'll still be holding hands by the end of it. But then he realised, he doesn't need someone to hold his, for he can hold his own, and those who might come every now and then to unclench his fists, he will cherish forever, through thick and thin, and even when the bells of goodbye have long since tolled.