I'm taking this time to focus on myself. I'll try not to obsess about where I want to end up or how I should get there, and try to live for today, because as is turns out, today has never glowed so brightly. Even though I'm afraid of leading this life, even though I'm afraid of settling down and forgetting about the dreams I dream, I feel as if I'm exactly where I'm supposed to be. There are still so many lessons I have to learn before I'm ready, before I'm strong enough to reach the unreachable. It's so far away, yet so close I can taste it, smell it, feel it. I shall not lose sight of what needs to be done, that I promise. All you're reading now is tales of a broken boy, who found someone to help him glue back the pieces. A boy who got shattered, and the boy who finally has the courage to let go.
Behind these green and hazel eyes lies an endless story. One fraught with tears, blood and laughter. One walked with pride and dignity. One shaped by mindless discontent and vigorous ambition, both in the same breath, and both without any meaning at all. The warm breeze reminds him that he has to keep trying and keep his head held high. It's not about what's waiting for him on the other side, it's the journey to get there, the chances he'll take, the failures he'll overcome, and the happiness he will share. Come ruin or justice, his smile will not fade, and the world he created, well that's here to stay.