Thursday, April 18, 2013

Finally drifting away...

I think there are few worse feelings than to run into someone from your past who used to mean the world to you. It's as if the universe is mocking you, taunting you, and making damn well sure you realise that you are no longer who you once were, and the world you knew is far gone. Sometimes people slip by without our intent, yet circumstances become so interwoven that it becomes a battle just to keep breathing, let alone save anyone else floating beside you. I try not to dwell on it too much, I mean I should have gotten used to this feeling of moving on alone, always slightly wiser and inherently more acute to my surroundings. It still takes a toll on me though, and I think that's how it's supposed to unfold. Because if it would be easy, then it didn't mean that much, it wasn't that important. But if you are to take anything from reading this, know that I shall cherish the moments spent, and mourn those lost forever, both equally and with immense sorrow, one I cannot describe, one I will never show, yet hold in my heart until the end of time.

The boy who's in love with the world, spends all his time waiting for that which shall never come. He's chasing his dreams, and even more he wants to be everything the people around him demand. He wants to be their saviour, their dream come true, their indestructible rock in times of crisis. He wants to be wanted, needed, desired. But most of all, he wants to be loved the way they love in great literature. He wants the unattainable to be within arms length, yet never quite within his grasp. Conflicted between two extremes, battling them at the same time, yet trying to land on both sides. Torn apart by demons already banished, and stuck together by spectres that never really existed. Thus is the existence of a boy who'll always want a little more than he'll get and ten folds more than he'll ever deserve.