Saturday, April 20, 2013

When life is not enough...

Even though so much time has passed, even though both of them have changed in ways they never thought possible, somehow they can still find peace in each other's eyes. Someone falls to pieces, someone swears his true love until the end of time, and suddenly, for the briefest of moments, they find themselves on the boulevard of broken souls. Something is different though, something significant. They can't place it at first. It fades from their perception like an echo screaming through a valley. They run after it, thinking they've stumbled upon the answer, the ultimate truth that shall set them free. They pray their feet don't fail them now, and that this chase is not by mistake, but by design. They are right behind it, so close they can brush against it with their limbs. In that instant, the dream starts collapsing, and as they are about to claim it as their own, they awake, and as always before, they feel more lost than ever.