Thursday, August 22, 2013

Frozen smiles chase love away...

Dear feelings going wild in my insides; please calm yourselves. Slow down the tempest that fuels your fire, and let me breathe. Try to compress yourself until you are nothing more than a string, then wrap yourself into a tiny ball and stow yourself away till I'm ready to understand you - to unravel you, to decimate every knot and every loose ray of fabric. I ask you to be patient, for I have always needed time, and have always held my promises. I will not forget you exist, I merely need space and distance from recent developments to make sure I still have the strength to stand, the serenity to let go, and the courage to fly without having wings. I shall come back for you, and when I do, I will finally understand why I failed, and if I truly failed at all. Memories shall be clearer, with a distinct aura of rationality and without the encumbrance of guilt or anger. We will dance again, dear feelings, of that you can be sure, yet as of now, the greatest feeling is to not feel anything, not anything at all.