I have decided it has to end - slowly, yet with firm conviction. For a moment there I really thought they could have been the exception to the rule, yet as it turns out I have once again come full circle. It's no longer a question of who's at fault - because I am quite clearly the common thread. Is it psycho that I find a small amount of enjoyment in it? That I somehow feed off the broken bonds and sustain myself from the ashes of burnt down connections? It is, and I know I am, but it's who I've always been and I don't see anything wrong with that anymore. If I've learned anything, as I was forced to survive recent hardships, is that I am worthy of attention, of consideration. I am worthy of love. While many have come and gone, and I have this sneaking suspicion that many more are on their way, I find myself uplifted by the simple notion that I was right to trust the universe to guide me down a path of certain uncertainty, towards a destiny of gruesome developments and the greatest of lives.

I'm friends with the monster
that's under my bed,
I get along with the voices
inside of my head.