Saturday, November 29, 2014

Hoping to survive...

Giving all I have and more.

Time is running me over. It crashes into me and shatters me into a tiny million pieces. I hold no sway over it, and as it leaves me a shadow of my former self, I am haunted by what could have been. Once again I am at the precipice of failure. The moments of do or die make me shiver to my core, for I am no longer a child who is forgiven for making mistakes - I am supposedly an adult who has to stand by his decisions, and mine have been quite drastic. They are waiting for me to crumble, to point out how they were right and I was wrong, and how above all else, I am nowhere near who I thought I was, who I declared to be. There is no more time. No more time to grow. No more time to learn, to reach beyond. There is no more time to be better, to excel, to prove that attention is well deserved and ignorance would be a mistake. No more time to fix mistakes or to avoid a crash of unthinkable magnitude. There is no more time, for time is never time at all.