Friday, November 21, 2014

Strung out, a little bit hazy...

I am lost in space. Time moves so fast that I am stricken with disbelief every step that I am made aware of where exactly I am, and even more distraught when I get a glimpse of what is ahead. The life I live keeps hanging in a constant state of limbo - stretching from glimmer to dust, from success to failure, from dusk to dawn. But amidst the whirlwind there is something that can calm my mind even when the greatest of winds are blowing through my hair. The answer to every question I ever asked now shines bright in front of me. There is no more wonder or seeking, no more ghosts of the past lurking their ugly head, and taking hold of my present. I no longer tremble as I walk the streets, no longer do I manifest scenarios to propel a future of ache and suffering. I am becoming whole, and I am doing so before your very eyes. Can you see it? Can you feel it? All along the answer was as simple as one, two, three. All along the answer was you.