Wednesday, November 4, 2015

My wildest dreams...

As I start adjusting to my new life, I find it surprising how easy it seems, and as I walked home with a lightness in my step that I've never felt before, I think I finally found out why. The thing is, I'm not adapting to a new existence, I'm merely settling back into the one I ran away from when I embarked on this journey of self-discovery all those years ago. I guess I had to go on that roller-coaster ride to realise I was never truly lost in the first place. I always knew who I was, I simply needed to be sure, and the only way to do that, was to go through all the emotions and people that enveloped my path. I could apologise for the damage I've done while I was searching for something that was never misplaced, but I won't, because as the sun goes down, I am certain that life has never made more sense, and it never glowed as bright as it does right now.

He can't quite grasp it, but there has been a drastic shift. As if the tectonic plates of Earth have moved and completely changed his trajectory. If you'd ask him just a few days ago, how he was, he'd smile and feign something positive - now he can't stop laughing, even listening to the saddest of songs and reading the most wrenching of words. He doesn't even try to explain it or wonder what happened - who said what and who didn't. Such moments are to be cherished for he knows that they seldom last. Perhaps this time it will be different. Maybe he had to go through all that anxiety and pain to reach a higher level of being. One he only imagined, but is now so engorged with that it feels stupid to question or fight. He ponders if this is what it means to accept the life you are given and take pleasure in knowing that while it might not be everything you want, it might just be exactly what you need.