Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Keeping my head up...

I gaze towards the sky, and I realise that the last time I felt this way, was when I ran half way around the world, chasing a dream no one could see but me. Even though it's been almost five years, circumstances seem oddly familiar. I was left broken, with no means to heal, without an understanding ear, and each passing day with less resolve to get out of bed. I can barely even feel the sun as it caresses my cheeks, as if I've become this lifeless mould, unaware that it has already lost its shape. No one around me takes notice - either not caring or already on to the next best thing, and when it comes to down it, there are many to choose from. Words slip my mind, and I wonder if this time, perhaps, I won't be lucky enough to make it out alive.

The best thing for being sad, he thought as he was beginning to puff and blow, is to learn something, That's the only thing that never fails. You may grow old and trembling in your anatomies, you may lie awake at night listening to the disorder of your veins, you may miss your only love, you may see the world about you devastated by evil lunatics, or know your honour trampled in the sewers of baser minds. And in such desperate time, your only choice is to learn why the world wags and what wags it. Because knowledge is the one true attribute which the mind can never exhaust, never alienate, never be tortured by, never fear or distrust, and never dream of regretting. So learn something. Anything at all.