Thursday, March 16, 2017

A never ending life...

You know when you plan for a single event for over a year, and then it happens, and it goes beyond anything you could have imagined? I never did, and now I do, and I can't really explain what I'm feeling, I just have an unquenchable desire to write it down. You see ... I poured myself into the potential of something that one else could see but me, and I'd hate to jinx it too soon, but I think it might lead me down a path greater than expected. If nothing else, I have proven that I am worthy of time, worthy of trust, worthy of love. So as I sit here, rejuvenating from the gut-wrenching process, I find only deep serenity within my mind, a newfound softness in my heart, and the resolve to see where this crazy journey might take me - come wonder or defeat, come blisters or bliss.