Saturday, March 4, 2017

Just hold on...

When you get bit by a snake,
you have to suck the poison out.

Friendship is delicate as a glass, once broken it can be fixed but there will always be cracks, because if a friend disappoints you over and over, that’s in large part your own fault. Once someone has shown a tendency to be self-centred, you need to recognise that and take care of yourself - people aren’t going to change simply because you want them to. For friendship plants itself as a small unobtrusive seed; over time, it grows thick roots that wrap around your heart. When a love affair ends, the tree is torn out quickly, the operation painful but clean. Friendship withers quietly, there is always hope of revival. Only after time has passed do you recognise that it is dead, and you are left, for years afterwards, pulling dry brown fibres from your chest.