Thursday, March 31, 2022

Add, subtract, divide...

The stars are brilliant at this time of night and I wander these streets like a ritual I don't dare to break for the times are quite glorious. If someone would have screamed my name I wouldn't have heard for I've said goodbye so many times in my short life that farewells are a muscular task and I've taught them well.

There's a place by the side of the river that I used to take long walks to and burry things to start anew. I used to go there to say goodbye. And I built my rituals in farewells - somehow endings I still cling to. I know a broken promise from a right one for I have used them myself and there is no coming back. Minds like ours can't be tamed and the price for freedom is the price we pay. And it is quite wonderful, setting fire to my chains and flames on written words and I stand there, staring deep into the heat until they’re all gone. And if you see a fire from the shore tonight it's my chains going up in flames. The moon is quite glorious indeed.