Sunday, March 20, 2022

You know it just as well as me...

I am done with this phase. It has gone on far enough and even if I am still not at a hundred, I will pretend I am until it comes true. I have set it aside as something I have finished. Complete or no, it is done with me. And while I still can't truly decide what my life is supposed to look like, I am done basking in the fulfilment of doom. I want to be a man that is able to move on and learn from his downfalls. To recognise where I am, and where I can go from here. If I accept my life, I might just survive it. If I hold back from it, insisting it is not mine, not where I am meant to be, life will pass me by. And I may not die from such foolishness, but I might as well be dead for all the good my life will do to me or anyone else.