Thursday, June 25, 2009


I've heard somewhere that when you get bitten by a snake the best thing to do is to attach your lips to the wound and just suck the poison right out. And that's exactly what I have to do with my life right now, just suck all the venom out. At least that's what I should do...

But what if the venom makes me feel alive, makes me step out of my confort zone, makes me do crazy things and allows me to be the person I've been afraid to be for all this time? Not knowing what to do is usually foreign to be. I always have all the answers, yet I'm as torn as ever. On one hand that snake bite set me free, and allowed me to experience things I've been running away from for so long, for too long, but on the other hand there must have been a reason for me to fear and avoid the venom in the first place, right? I mean I couldn't have been so wrong about something so... imporant?

I don't know what to do... I feel the poison rushing through my veins and I know I could dispatch of it in a blink of an eye, but... The last time I felt so free and alive was when She was still here... I wonder what She would have me do... I guess I'll never know, but for now all I can do is wait, and hope that when I'm ready to decide it won't be too late...