Thursday, June 11, 2009

Falling awake is a nightmare...

You know that moment, right before you fall asleep, when everything seems so calm and peaceful, and countless thoughts are rushing through you head? Well for as long as I can remember, everytime I start fading off into the land of sleep, I have this one single thought in my mind - a dream of what should be, a dream of what could be, a dream of what needs to be...

Yet every morning that I wake up, I realise that it might never come true. Each passing day the chances of it happening become slimer. I know the clock is ticking, and when it goes off, I'll have to let go of that dream forever...

But here's the thing. What if I'm not strong enough to let it go? What if I keep clinging to hope and lose myself in my own damned dream? What if it all turns out to be too much and I end up doing something that I'll possibly regret forever? What happens when my dream doesn't come true? The dream that sores in my mind every single day...

Sometimes I wish I wouldn't wake up, because as long as I sleep, there's a chance. A chance that I finally fix my broken spirit. A chance that I would end up happy. A chance that I would end up great...

So I sleep. Full of hope and desperation. So I sleep. Wishing I could sleep forever, and dream the dream I've dreamed so long...