Saturday, July 10, 2010

Pictures of you and me...

Today was emotionally exhausting. I had to be there for my parents, my sister, and even myself. But I didn't mind, because I knew that I could handle it. I knew I was strong enough to be the rock, everyone can lean on. And for the first time, in what feels like forever, I felt needed, and I felt like more of a grow up than ever before. We connected today on level, far beyond the realm of possibility. We were always family, but today we became siblings - brother and sister, in the most profound way I could imagine...

Tear drops kept falling, that dreadful poem was sung. But I stood there, tall and proud, not even sheeding a single tear. Is it courage or am I simply too numb? I wish I had taken the time to know him better. He lived, he really lived, but then again so have I. I battled demons, soared to glory, I cried and laughed - boy did I laugh, boy did I cry...

I'm slowly running out of words. Should I stop? Because really the silence says it all. What goes around comes around and life as we know it is like poetry. Deeply ironic, and ruthlessly vigilant. Amid the rhimes and metaphors lies a basic instinct to set people on the right path, which leads to self-sufficiency, a swift katarsis and to that which we all crave - happiness...