Tuesday, January 4, 2011

It's the wrong kind of place...

Here I am, once again. I never thought I would still be doing this. Not because I wouldn't have time or interest, but I thought that by now I'd have everything sorted out and there'd be no need for this anymore. Yet as it always seems to, the year ended with a bang. A lot has happened, but nothing really changed. My last years resolution was to reach the stars, and for a moment I did just that. I barely remember how great it felt, yet empty at the same time. This year, I'm more concrete with my wishes, more determined in my goals, stronger in my resolve. I travel as I always have, alone with nothing holding me back, with a smile on my face and strength in my eyes. But the most important thing I learned during the course of last year was that you can't get ahead while you're getting even...

Trust is a tricky thing, sometimes you have to give it up, sometimes you have to let it get broken, but there's never a good reason why you shouldn't use it again. When people can walk away from you, let them walk. Don't try to talk another person into staying with you, into loving you, into calling you, into caring for you, or staying attached to you. When people can walk away, let them walk. Our destiny is never tied to anybody who left...

It finally dawned upon me; it doesn't matter where I take this road. In the end, there is only one destination. I'm not really sure where that is, but I'm certain that sooner or later we all end up at the same place. I can't wait to see some of you there, because a lot of you are the reason I persist on writing this thing that is not a blog. There is one though, I wish would take more notice, there's always been just her. I crave approval I know I'll never get. So I remain stuck in transition, bound by the walls of my mind, trying to find meaning for the meaningless. Is that alright with you?