Isn't it absolutely wonderful, how something as simple as a smile from your crush, can make your day so much more beautiful? How something as trivial as twilight can make you remember how life still has meaning, still has magic. How a song can give you hope and how a single moment can give you the strength to accept the things you cannot change. I will never be anything but loud, in the most quiet way possible, and even if I fall, I know I'll get up - She raised me to get up. I'll be damned before I disappoint Her. Who cares what I've done or could have done, what I should have done or what I might have done. The only thing that matters is what I'll do from now on...
The great thing about not knowing where I want to go, is that any road will take me there. I don't need a compas, I don't need a map. All I need is my heart and the courage to listen to it. I've been so caught up in what I need to do that I forgot what I want to do. We complicate life, but really, it's so simple, so straight forward. The secret is in allowing yourself to be happy and in forgiving yourself for not being perfect...
If there's just one piece of advice I can give you, it's this - when there's something you really want, when there's someone you really love, fight for it, fight for them. Don't give up no matter how hopeless it seems. And when you think you've lost all faith, ask yourself if 10 years from now, you'll wish you had given it another go, just one more shot. Because remember, the best things in life, never come without a price...