If he could learn to love another, and earn their love in return by the time the last petal fell, then the spell would be broken. If not, he would be doomed to remain a beast for all time. As the years passed, he tumbled into despair and lost all hope. For who could ever learn to love a beast?
I'm telling you, you don't want to fall for me. You don't want to even be with me. I'd make a terrible boyfriend, as I always knew I would. I'm horrible at keeping in touch with people. I'd forget to call, I change my mind way too often and I can't seem to live without some sort of drama. I love going out with friends, and I can't settle. I've fallen in love and had my heart broken, more than once by the same person. I've lost the pieces so don't bother trying to put them back together. I'd never cheat on you, but I'd make you worry. You really don't want to fall for me. But I'm definitely falling for you, and if it's ok, I want to change all those things about me, just to be with you.
In tako sem tri leta kasneje sedel v isti kavarni in bral svoje zgodbe in ko sem pogledal skozi okno, je na drugi strani stal zamaskiran moški, ki je v rokah držal kamen in baklo. Bil mi je tako znan, kot brat, kot ženske, ki so vsak dan kupovale sadje na tržnici, in kot tisti fantje, ki so jih poljubljali. Naslednji dan sem se vrnil na svoje mesto ob šanku in na svojem mestu sem obsedel tudi potem, ko je padla prva molotovka, pa druga, in sedel sem, ko so domoljubno prepleskali pročelje z vsemi slovničnimi napakami vred. Tako sedim vsak dan, pišem svoje zgodbe, jih berem in ni zadosti ognja na tem svetu, da bi me pregnal.
I'm telling you, you don't want to fall for me. You don't want to even be with me. I'd make a terrible boyfriend, as I always knew I would. I'm horrible at keeping in touch with people. I'd forget to call, I change my mind way too often and I can't seem to live without some sort of drama. I love going out with friends, and I can't settle. I've fallen in love and had my heart broken, more than once by the same person. I've lost the pieces so don't bother trying to put them back together. I'd never cheat on you, but I'd make you worry. You really don't want to fall for me. But I'm definitely falling for you, and if it's ok, I want to change all those things about me, just to be with you.