Monday, December 12, 2011

Hold to the love that you know...

"Do you remember the way things used to be?" She said as quietly as the wind. They gazed into each other's eyes, and suddenly everything fell into place. She held his hand as he fell to the ground, and she wiped his tears as they poured down his face, and she mended his wounds as blood rushed through. They somehow knew they would survive, because in truth, this was nothing compared to what they faced in the past. She smiled at him, and he smiled at her, and for a split second, the pain vanished without a trace. The sun prepared for slumber, and they sat near the ocean and did what they do best. They waited. Waited for the future to unfold, for the universe to make sense, and for their lives to transcend into what they were meant to be. They waited for someone to rescue them, all awhile never understanding that they already saved each other.

I really don't understand the world sometimes. Things that make absolute sense to me, are a mystery to others, and things I expect to happen, never actually do. I should be better at this, I know, yet I seem to be failing at every turn. It's not so much that I'm disappointed, I'm just so tired. For once, I wish things could be simple and would unfold without complications. What they don't tell you when you're growing up, is that denial isn't the worst thing in the world. It's the time in between, when you don't know, when you're not sure where you stand. That's what hurts the most, that's what I find too much to bear. I'm truly confused as to why this keeps happening, and I'm curious what I'm doing wrong. But mostly, I wonder if I'll ever be able to break free from the past, forget about the future, and live in the moment, for nothing else but the present.