Saturday, February 9, 2013

I'd be nothing without you...

We're forever united here somehow.

I've always been bad at saying sorry, but more so, I've always been awful at forgiving. I hold grudges long since forgotten, and I refuse to give in. I guess I've been brought up to be a proud person, sometimes I just wonder if pride gets in the way of my happy ever after. I contemplate what my life would look like without the people who saved me, without the people who were there, when my world fell apart. Yet today, these very same people, no longer hold any sway in my life. I'm not really sure how our paths seperated, perhaps we all changed ever so slightly, to entities which cannot collide. It still makes me sad, how those I once held so dear, are unrecognisable as our eyes meet across a crowded room. I hope they think of me as fondly as I do of them, for even though words have lost all meaning, the journey we once travelled, and the stories we once wrote, are infinite. We are infinite.