Monday, February 25, 2013

I've drowned and dreamt this moment...

On the health that's regained,
on the perils of old days,
on the hope with no past,
I'm writing your name.

Days like today, make me question if I'll be strong enough to march towards the dreams I dream. As I crumble under pressure and fail greater and unlike ever before, I wonder if I'm cut out for this, for this life. I can see myself so clearly on top of the mountain, I'm just not sure if I have the strength for the climb. I should be better at this, at taking critisism, but I too, am not as confident as it may seem. I guess life has a way of teaching us lessons even when we don't want to, even when we feel like there's nothing more we can handle, like there's nothing more we can do. Days like today remind me where I am, and how fucking long the road is to where I want to go.

I fell in love with someone who promised to make me laugh every single day of my life. I fell in love with the constant feeling of being anchored to someone who makes the crash of the waves bearable, someone who makes me stronger. I fell in love with someone who is greater than both of us combined and someone who defies superstitions. I fell in love with someone who calls me friend, lover and soulmate, someone who completes my heart. I fell in love with someone who lets me be wrong and wades in the mistakes with me. I fell in love with someone who makes me believe we'll make it through anything and that there are better days to come. I fell in love with you.